hmm.. k.. this week is the fest week of my semester break.. yg ak rse kdg2 bosan but kdg2 besh.. nth la.. x phm ngn prsaan sndri.. hehe.. ak actually a bit kecewa ngn last paper ahd ri2.. cm pe nth.. rse nk koyak2 pn da kertas 2.. stress sgt tyme jwb dlm dewn 2.. ish3.. jgn la disbbkn paper 2 result ak jd truk.. tidak!!!!!... sgt upset gle ble kua dwn ri2.. tp x tw la.. hopefully xde la truk paper 2..
hmm.. wht can i say rite now is i juz leave it 2 god after my hard work..what eva d result will b i juz gonna accept it.. coz overall i think i'm not perform really well in this exam.. donno why i felt like that..
ok.. enough about the exam.. now let me tell about my semester break that will b 2 months n i still don have any plan 4 it.. so what can i say..its already about a week n i already went 2 jb last tuesday n went 2 melaka last wednesday.. n rite now i juz stay at home doing nothing except sitting infront of this laptop everyday,every hours n every minutes.. n i already felt bored doing the same things everyday.. huhu..
what can i say,i donno how i'm gonna get through this boring semester break n i still have 7 week 2 go before the new semester start.. haha.. i wonder what it would be for the next few week coz it's only a week n i felt bored already.. haha.. i plan 2 rearrange my bedroom but rite now i still don do anything about it.. donno when it would become a reality.. hehe..
i'm planning 2 get a couple of new novel frm popular bookstore(coz i can get discount if i buy it there.. hehe) but i still don have time 2 go there.. hehe.. arghh.. i think i become xtra lazy than usual coz everything that i plan don even works.. haha.. i wonder what had happen 2 me?? hehe..
i think that it 4 now.. i see u when i see u..
k.. nyte2..
on my bed
1.25 a.m
friday going 2b saturday..
2 months ago
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