today i Want 2 share a bit bout wat happen 2 me recently.. huhu.. ac2ally i got an offer frm polytechnic 4 IT(networking).. seem 2 b an interesting offer like my brother said 2 me coz he said dat i can make money from it.. But need 2 take cisco certificate fest.. huhu.. need a longer tyme huh.. 2 1/2 yer.. huhu.. OMG.. huhu.. but it different 2 my sis coz she said dat it might make a lot of money but need 2 spend a lot of tyme 2.. n also need 2 get ready 4 on call in case of system break down.. even in the middle of nyte.. so wat 2 do?? huhu.. she said i can juz take education n be a teacher?? huhu.. never think of being one.. funny2.. OppS.. almost 4get la.. i got the offer frm polytechnic tuanku syed sirajuddin,Arau,perlis.. huhu.. very far2 away frm home.. huhu.. so i already made up my mind.. i'm not going.. juz wait 4 upu da second intake... pray 4 me ya.. really2 eager 2 study in u.. huhu.. ac2ally b4 dis i thinking of taking the offer coz i don want 2 stdy in f6.. but after listen 2 my sis i change my mind.. i would consider it if i got other courses.. huhu.. so?? where am i in the future?? juz wait n see.. am i gOnna b A teacher?? teaching ur CHILD?? haha.. me also donno.. let Allah do the job 2 decide everything...
dat's all 4 dis entry.. huhu..
Thanx 4 reading..
2 months ago
4 kutukan + pujian= cadangan:
no komen,,
xpe2.. 2 pn gak..
no komen gak...
hak3... =p
then bermula la syida as a f.6 student...
jgn ah pji2 ak..
blsh kunk..
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