k.. this entry will talk about my first final exam this coming wednesday and also 4 my spa interview on 27th april..
so.. for my fial exam.. not sure if i'm ready or not to sit for all the papers but i;m trying my best for it.. need to cover so much things.. n i'm not sure if i can finish all of it before each paper start.. hmm.. i took 7 pper 4 this semester.. n i already sit 4 1 paper which is kor yesterday(17 april).. n i sit have 6 paper to go.. huhu.. quite tough 4 me.. hopefuly i can manage to get the best result..
so spa interview.. hmm.. i'm not really excited bout it actually.. it's my parents who ask me to apply it.. n they ask me to go 4 the interview.. it's on 29 actually but unfortunately i have paper to sit on that day so my dad call spa n i can go 4 the interview on 27.. frankly,i don't feel like going to spa coz i started to luv my current course which related to library.. n for ur information i luv library.. n i luv books.. so, it make me feel very hard to make a decision weather to choose uitm or spa.. i'm still looking 4 the answer.. n hope i can make make the best decision.. hmmm... feel like i have a big stone between my shoulders.. it's one in a lifetime decision.. need to choose wisely..
wish me luck k...
c ya next tyme,,
2 months ago