Monday, April 19, 2010

final exam is coming!!!


k.. this entry will talk about my first final exam this coming wednesday and also 4 my spa interview on 27th april..

so.. for my fial exam.. not sure if i'm ready or not to sit for all the papers but i;m trying my best for it.. need to cover so much things.. n i'm not sure if i can finish all of it before each paper start.. hmm.. i took 7 pper 4 this semester.. n i already sit 4 1 paper which is kor yesterday(17 april).. n i sit have 6 paper to go.. huhu.. quite tough 4 me.. hopefuly i can manage to get the best result..

so spa interview.. hmm.. i'm not really excited bout it actually.. it's my parents who ask me to apply it.. n they ask me to go 4 the interview.. it's on 29 actually but unfortunately i have paper to sit on that day so my dad call spa n i can go 4 the interview on 27.. frankly,i don't feel like going to spa coz i started to luv my current course which related to library.. n for ur information i luv library.. n i luv books.. so, it make me feel very hard to make a decision weather to choose uitm or spa.. i'm still looking 4 the answer.. n hope i can make make the best decision.. hmmm... feel like i have a big stone between my shoulders.. it's one in a lifetime decision.. need to choose wisely..

wish me luck k...

c ya next tyme,,


Monday, April 5, 2010

LonG tYme No See..


lme gle ak x update blog nih.. last tyme rye cine r2.. huhu.. byk bnd yg da jd spnjg mse ak x 2lis blog nih.. da dinner yg pling wrost,assignment yg mlmbk, aktiviti yg x hbis2,test n quiz yg brderet2 dlm mse smggu,preparation tok angah smpai la ke mjlis kwen dy sbtu ritu.. huhu

rse sgt pnt coz cmni la students life.. nk trkjr2 due date assignmnt,test n quiz dlm mse yg sme n also family agy.. huhu.. sgt sengal..

tok dinner yg pling worst 2 actually dinner IMS.. ktorg dsuruh wt prsmbhn,tema dy bollywood.. so ktorg pn menari la gne lgu bole churiya n abc.. pnt2 practce 2 mggu.. tbe2 trn jeq pnts ktorg tgk mknn sume da abes.. pnye la hampe.. da la lom mkn agy tyme 2.. sgt mnyedihkn.. sume dak part 1 x dpt mkn mlm 2... mngmk dak2 nih.. pas2 da exco nih tnye ktorng x pat mkn ke,ble ktrg tnye dy nk mkn pe dy ley lak ckp mkn angin.. mkin brapi ah dak2 ni.. kalo jwb2 bek2 kn bly.. ish3.. sngl gle.. da bdk kls ak ni tbe2 jeq kne gastrik coz dy x mkn dr tgh ari coz ptg 2 ktorg da raptai,tup2 mlm pn x pat mkn.. ish3.. ble da jd cm 2 bru diorg bg spinggn nasi tok dy.. pas2 ktorg share nasi 2 1 kls.. srg sesudu.. huhu.. trharu gle tyme 2..

n tok khe kwen angh sabtu ri2..mmg la sunggh pnt.. ak smpai uma jeq ptg khmis 2,2ka bju trs kne wt kje coz diorg sume da kms uma smggu 2.. huhu.. sggh la pnt.. 4 hari yg sggh memenatkn.. ish3.. so,ak still nk mmbiasekn dri ngn abg ipar ak or abg abob.. cm pe jeq rse.. coz rse cm akwrd gle,ble call angh tbe2 jeq dy yg angkt.. huhu.. hai.. agk grm skit la coz mjls 2 wt kt uma ak jeq tp family abg abob x dtg tlg pn.. diorg juz dok2 jeq.. nth pape nth.. bek wt kt 2 2 uma cm 2.. ish3..

hmm final da mkin dkt nih.. huhu.. tggl bpe hari jeq.. cm x bpe nk ready nih.. ape da.. mrkh test n quiz hopefully dpt la cover mrkh final t.. huhu.. kalo x pass gak x tw la ak.. huhu.. x nk repeat.. lg2 104 2.. huhu.. byk nye teori huhu.. aisey.. pny la ak nk mghfl cm 2.. huhu..

sem dpn ak msk kls e4.. coz kls ak da dak kls len conquer.. huhu.. nth pape nth.. ish3.. pas2 da kls ari jm't.. ari senin kls kol 1.. huhu.. cm mrepek jeq kls nih.. huhu.. cdey nye da kne pisah ngn dak2 kls sem nih.. rse cm da ngam gle da.. nth cmne la kls e4 2 t.. coz dak2 yg besh x pat msk kls 2 coz pnuh.. huhu

wish me luck k.. nk final 21 nih.. huhu.. ready da ke??? jwb la sndri.. huhu..

k.. 2 jeq.. c ya.. i see u when i see u.. huhu..
bye2.. assalamualaikum...